I am so bored I can barely write, in fact having just writ those words am seriously thinking what’s even the point of writing a blog entry when I always said to myself that I’d only write one when I had something to write about. I’m suffering from depression and it’s hard to be interested in anything when you are drowning in this. In this last week I’ve been trying to engage my mind away from wallowing in despair and self pity and a couple of cultural things have distracted me, Shakespeare Inspired by the girls at Open Bar theatre who I worked for in 2016 in Twelfth Night and wrote about then here who wanted past actors who worked with them to join in by filming yourself performing a little ditty to mark Shakespeare’s birthday, after having put a table and chairs out in mums beautifully overgrown garden in her house where I am alone isolating myself and carrying on the beer drinking, (I’d managed to get a slot in Iceland’s home delivery for essentials), I thought to film myself doing a few well known Shakespeare pieces with a beer, hash tagged Shakesbeer in the garden! And did a couple put them on facebook and instagram then got bored and frustrated at how little attention my anyway attention seeking attempt had received, so abandoned a sonnet as anyway I kept inexplicably mispronouncing the word ‘impediments’ Might attempt again if I can be bothered to get out of bed for enough daylight hours! I want to do things, I suppose that is something as opposed to not, but just can’t be bothered!